Gigantusk takes place in the world of Aeternus. The story revolves around the Elven princess Tena finding a legendary sword called Gigantusk which can seal away the invading Demon King. Tena will travel through several different lands that show her the conflicting nature of societies.

Gigantusk Concept Art

Tena Concepts

Tena is the main character. She wields Gigantusk as her primary weapon. For her design I wanted to do a rugged jacket, so motion is easier to read. I also wanted to have her underclothes to be fancy to show her background as a royalty.

Tena Pixel Art

These are the animations that I made for the game. I had to create two sets of animations since the player can switch between weapon sizes. The animations had to clearly show the player which size the weapon was currently in so I couldn’t just have the weapon appear during the attack.

Gard Concepts

Gard is Tena’s bodyguard. Since he was hand chosen from the Elven military, I wanted his design to reflect casual under clothes but Elven Military. So, I had to design the armor that would be typically worn by the Elven military.

World Concepts

There are many different areas in Aeternus with many different races. These are just ideas of what could be around Aeternus.

First Area Concepts

The first area in the game would have the player face against Treents which are corrupted by the Demon Kings power. The Treents grow up from the sapling stage, into the adolescent, to young adult, and finally to the adult stage. The saplings jump which allow the player to hit a jumping stun to introduce the player to the stun mechanic. Eventually in the first area, the player will gain access to the grab ability which allows them to throw stunned enemies into other enemies for more damage and an instant stun.

Second Area Concepts

The second area will take place in a kingdom of scavengers. The kingdom is near the Beastmen territory, so they are influenced by the culture of the Beastmen. Because of this, they model their armor like nearby animals. One of these animals is the Bateared Jackel which is a canine with large bat like ears.


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