Vampire Detective is a game where the player works as a detective that happens to be vampire who gets odd jobs from clients and the local PD. As a vampire, the player can use vials of blood in order to see into victims’ memories, track their last position, or see who they have interacted with before their death. The player would need to prioritize their vials and make decisions on how best to use them.

Vampire Detective WIP

Detective Concepts

For the detective, I wanted to go with an ageless look with longer hair. I tried out the rugged look as well but decided that I should keep the more refined look so gags and funny moments in the game can play off the regal look. I kept the rugged look for the lead detective so it can work as bit of a contrast. Silhouetting isn’t as important in this game because majority of the game is about finding clues so visual clarity is not a priority.

Lead Detective Concepts

The lead detective concepts went from old man to old Dwarven man as the base concept of the world changed. Since the world is set in a modern like world, I decided that teh detective should have short hair compared to the regular long haired Dwarf.

Junior Detective Concept

This is the junior detective that serves as the player’s way of learning about the world and how the detective should go about handling evidence since he is not a police detective and Vampire evidence is not going to be accepted in a court of law.


Heaven Falls


Fan Art